
When you search your soul for your DEEPEST desires you may find that you want to be peaceful like a Buddhist, you will want to be a warrior like St. Paul, Kind and compassionate like Mother Theresa. You desire the best of health for your loved ones. Then you will want something to eat...

WILL SOMETHING DIE FOR YOUR LUNCH???? Your deepest desires are VEGAN. Paul McDonald 2EDEN Vegetarian

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Do you know Grace?

all so known as Jean's sister.


Can you love someone who hates you?


some people are naturally close to serving others i think of mothers and others
They serve out of a love for another  and it is their nature to serve even if you,  YOU give them power.


Can you show your love and submission when you are in a position of control or caught in the act of deception?


When you are tired from working long hours, and poor eating habits, will you give up your seat on the bus for another?


When the world mocks you and turns its back on you, will you give the world back the love it dropped?

We can do all these things and more 

through Christ who strengthens us!

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