Christian Seventh Day Adventist group, affiliated to the Vegetarian Society that recommends a healthy lifestyle. God originally advocated Vegetarian food in the garden of Eden. A verse from ISAIAH“The wolf shall dwell with the lamb … the lion shall eat straw like the ox … They shall not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain” (Isaiah 11:6-9) It is WRONG that an animal should die so that a human can eat.
When you search your soul for your DEEPEST desires you may find that you want to be peaceful like a Buddhist, you will want to be a warrior like St. Paul, Kind and compassionate like Mother Theresa. You desire the best of health for your loved ones. Then you will want something to eat...
WILL SOMETHING DIE FOR YOUR LUNCH???? Your deepest desires are VEGAN. Paul McDonald 2EDEN Vegetarian
WILL SOMETHING DIE FOR YOUR LUNCH???? Your deepest desires are VEGAN. Paul McDonald 2EDEN Vegetarian
Monday, 19 December 2011
Saturday, 17 December 2011
LFL in our time!
Layered Festive Loaf
I made this!
Check out the Vegetarian Society website for a receipe WWW.VEGSOC.ORG
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Ahimsa love to all living beings.
11th November 2011
11th November 2011
I have today attended the annual Christmas event given by the young Indian Ahimsa group led by their tireless international spokesperson Nitin Mehta MBE, very accomplished in supporting animal rights and always promoting vegetarianism, Nitin may just save the planet, he knows what it takes to turn things round. But is the planet listening???
Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term which is often translated meaning to non-injury to living beings or dynamic harmlessness.
Ahimsa a word that has several opinions like a picture does.
Remove the “a” in front of Ahimsa and you get “himsa” which is to harm.
So let us celebrate Ahimsa as a living love for all things from the smallest of tiny, tiny insects to the biggest whale in the sea. God created all of these so who are we to destroy.
When God said in the Bible Genesis_1:26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” That dominion did not mean to kill and hurt and harm and destroy and test on, not to pull and push and punish poor creatures that are weaker than ourselves just because we can dominate them.
Dominion is to love, to cherish, to protect, to nourish, to flourish, to encourage. why? because we can.
The event was great we had a full vegetarian curry with bread and Jellabies and all sorts of fine food, as well as meeting Nitin, I sat with an MP a once mayor of Croydon, on the same table as the present Mayor as well as painter Pat Mears and Helen Buckland from Croydon vegetarians and my very own dear wife Linn.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Vegetarian Society is there to help
Are you feeling hungry and dont know what to eat?
Turn to the Vegetarian Society it has been in action since the mid 1800's
WWW.VEGSOC.COM is the website.
check it out YOU know it makes sense.
Turn to the Vegetarian Society it has been in action since the mid 1800's
WWW.VEGSOC.COM is the website.
check it out YOU know it makes sense.
Monday, 5 December 2011
” Food and Health in a Dying world”
From Churches and Mosque’s to Vegetarians and Vegans a 3 Course meal was put on by Hackbridge SDA. The talk of the evening was given by Paul McDonald, Personal Ministries leader who expanded on” Spelt Grain” and how it is mentioned in the bible in Exodus 9, 25-33 during one of the plagues, In Isaiah 28-25 sowing advice for farmers and in Ezekiel 4-9 how to overcome a siege. Homemade bread from this traditional type of wheat, which is easier to digest and even more tasty (in my opinion) was complete with a delicious bowl of Pauline’s famous Lentil soup. And still there were two more courses to go. Amazing!
Vegetarian food is common to many religious and nonreligious groups as Adventists are put on this earth to share our knowledge. The world is catching up with us in views on health and food but we need not be overtaken... if we practise what we preach. We can share food and health in a dying world, as is said in Hosea 4: 6 (KJV) My people perish from a lack of knowledge. A good meal was had by all.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
how to be a happy Vegan from Vegan outreach
Tips On How To Be A Happy Vegan

Face it, we live in a non-vegan world that isn’t going to turn vegan tomorrow. But, why let that bring you down? If you’re vegan, you know that one of the toughest parts of being vegan is not the food or the products or the lifestyle, but the reactions of people that cannot fathom why a sane person would choose to be vegan. This in turn gets us vegans all riled up, because most of us are normal, intelligent, sociable people that suddenly have to deal with a hostile world that thinks we’re freaks. Not only does this not help vegan’s live happy lives, but it tends to scare off people that should have gone vegan a long time ago. Fear not! You can have your vegan cake and eat it too, if you follow these simple tips.
1. Don’t forget why you decided to go vegan: Seems obvious, but once you’ve been vegan for a while, it’s easy to get caught up with the intricacies of the lifestyle and the debates about animal welfare, animal liberation or animal rights. There’s definitely a time and place for all that debating, but in general, learn when to drop it! Remember that you’re vegan because you woke up to the fact that you didn’t want to live a life that is based on exploitation and murder of innocent beings. Remember that you chose this lifestyle not only because it felt like the morally right thing to do, but it also just seemed like common sense. You took a leap of faith and rejected an entire system of exploitation that is currently socially acceptable and widely encouraged. You are not contributing to the exploitation and murder of billions of living beings every year. That’s special — that’s reason enough to smile every day!
2. Don’t look at non-vegans as the enemy: Once you go vegan and realize the tremendous positive impact that this lifestyle can have on your physical, mental and potentially spiritual well-being, it’s easy to be baffled about why others can’t “see the light”. What makes it worse is that the world is full of people that claim to be animal lovers and would never intentionally harm or kill another living being, yet somehow live in complete denial when it comes to the food they eat and the lifestyle choices they make. Yes, it can get infuriating to think about it and it’s tempting to badger people and throw terms like “GO VEGAN” at them, without providing adequate context. However, remember that it’s not their fault. Many of us consumed meat, dairy and indirectly participated in cruelty for years before we went vegan. Do not confront and debate people that don’t show an interest in your lifestyle, but do speak loudly and proudly about how you live a very normal, fulfilling and happy life as a vegan. We are ambassadors of awesomeness. Don’t forget that!
3. Don’t try to be perfect: You’re a vegan and that’s cool, but it doesn’t mean you’re perfect. We’re not implying that it’s OK to have some cheese or eggs from your neighbor’s farm every now and then. NO! That’s not vegan and if you are clear about tip #1, you won’t ever want to do it. What we mean is don’t beat yourself over the fact that the world we live in is heavily reliant on material derived from animals — don’t live in a constant state of vegan paranoia. You have to do what’s practical or you will have to go live in the woods and reject modern society completely. Relax! We know that the car you drive may have tires that are not entirely vegan or use brake fluid that contains animal products. Your bicycle may not be animal product-free and neither may be the concrete you walk on. Veganism is not about striving for perfection, it is about making conscious choices, where practical. The best part is that when it comes to food, clothing and products we use on our body, it’s become relatively easy these days to make vegan choices, but please don’t freak out and get depressed when somebody announces that your tap water is not vegan. Even the air you breathe may technically not be vegan, but that’s not the point!
4. Learn to cook delicious vegan food: The #1 reason why people don’t go vegan or don’t stay vegan is because they find giving up food that includes animal products difficult. What they don’t realize is that it isn’t the food they miss — they are just conditioned to like certain tastes and flavors that they believe cannot be replicated in a plant based diet. If you’ve been to a good vegan restaurant, you know that vegan food can not only be as delicious and comforting, decadent or succulent (or whatever foodie terminology is in favor this year), but it can also be WAY healthier and tastier than non-vegan food. Now here’s the kicker — you don’t have to be a master chef to cook this food yourself. Just arm yourself with a good vegan cookbook and you can whip up any of your favorites, whenever you want. Another great benefit of developing some vegan culinary skills is that you can show off your delicious vegan food to your non-vegan friends and make them realize that the food you eat is not only healthier than what they may be consuming as meat eaters or vegetarians, but also more flavorful and satisfying in many cases. For instance, there’s nothing like watching a non-vegan eating a good vegan cupcake that blows away their taste buds and their preconceived notions of vegan food!
5. Interact with like-minded vegans: When you’re a minority you are inevitably going to be at the receiving end of some ridiculous stereotypes. This can get disheartening; especially when it comes from people that are close to you or in many cases, related to you! That’s why its very important to engage with other like-minded vegans. We currently may be few and far between, but we do exist! You may not live in a neighborhood, town or city that has many (or any) vegans, but that should not stop you from meeting other vegans. We’re in the 21st century and a whole world of happy vegans is just a click away. They are all just like you – they love to rant about everything and share war stories, recipes and tips on all things vegan. No matter what the non-vegan world throws at you, it’s always reassuring to know that you have people in your life that share your philosophical beliefs and will have your back and relate to anything you may have to deal with.
In summary, remember that veganism is easy if you have your heart in the right place and you learn to tackle what people throw at you with class. Don’t make the non-vegan world wonder why you choose a lifestyle that differs so greatly from theirs; make them wonder whether your lifestyle has something to do with why you’re always so happy.
Put on your happy face, Vegan World!
Face it, we live in a non-vegan world that isn’t going to turn vegan tomorrow. But, why let that bring you down? If you’re vegan, you know that one of the toughest parts of being vegan is not the food or the products or the lifestyle, but the reactions of people that cannot fathom why a sane person would choose to be vegan. This in turn gets us vegans all riled up, because most of us are normal, intelligent, sociable people that suddenly have to deal with a hostile world that thinks we’re freaks. Not only does this not help vegan’s live happy lives, but it tends to scare off people that should have gone vegan a long time ago. Fear not! You can have your vegan cake and eat it too, if you follow these simple tips.
1. Don’t forget why you decided to go vegan: Seems obvious, but once you’ve been vegan for a while, it’s easy to get caught up with the intricacies of the lifestyle and the debates about animal welfare, animal liberation or animal rights. There’s definitely a time and place for all that debating, but in general, learn when to drop it! Remember that you’re vegan because you woke up to the fact that you didn’t want to live a life that is based on exploitation and murder of innocent beings. Remember that you chose this lifestyle not only because it felt like the morally right thing to do, but it also just seemed like common sense. You took a leap of faith and rejected an entire system of exploitation that is currently socially acceptable and widely encouraged. You are not contributing to the exploitation and murder of billions of living beings every year. That’s special — that’s reason enough to smile every day!
2. Don’t look at non-vegans as the enemy: Once you go vegan and realize the tremendous positive impact that this lifestyle can have on your physical, mental and potentially spiritual well-being, it’s easy to be baffled about why others can’t “see the light”. What makes it worse is that the world is full of people that claim to be animal lovers and would never intentionally harm or kill another living being, yet somehow live in complete denial when it comes to the food they eat and the lifestyle choices they make. Yes, it can get infuriating to think about it and it’s tempting to badger people and throw terms like “GO VEGAN” at them, without providing adequate context. However, remember that it’s not their fault. Many of us consumed meat, dairy and indirectly participated in cruelty for years before we went vegan. Do not confront and debate people that don’t show an interest in your lifestyle, but do speak loudly and proudly about how you live a very normal, fulfilling and happy life as a vegan. We are ambassadors of awesomeness. Don’t forget that!
3. Don’t try to be perfect: You’re a vegan and that’s cool, but it doesn’t mean you’re perfect. We’re not implying that it’s OK to have some cheese or eggs from your neighbor’s farm every now and then. NO! That’s not vegan and if you are clear about tip #1, you won’t ever want to do it. What we mean is don’t beat yourself over the fact that the world we live in is heavily reliant on material derived from animals — don’t live in a constant state of vegan paranoia. You have to do what’s practical or you will have to go live in the woods and reject modern society completely. Relax! We know that the car you drive may have tires that are not entirely vegan or use brake fluid that contains animal products. Your bicycle may not be animal product-free and neither may be the concrete you walk on. Veganism is not about striving for perfection, it is about making conscious choices, where practical. The best part is that when it comes to food, clothing and products we use on our body, it’s become relatively easy these days to make vegan choices, but please don’t freak out and get depressed when somebody announces that your tap water is not vegan. Even the air you breathe may technically not be vegan, but that’s not the point!
4. Learn to cook delicious vegan food: The #1 reason why people don’t go vegan or don’t stay vegan is because they find giving up food that includes animal products difficult. What they don’t realize is that it isn’t the food they miss — they are just conditioned to like certain tastes and flavors that they believe cannot be replicated in a plant based diet. If you’ve been to a good vegan restaurant, you know that vegan food can not only be as delicious and comforting, decadent or succulent (or whatever foodie terminology is in favor this year), but it can also be WAY healthier and tastier than non-vegan food. Now here’s the kicker — you don’t have to be a master chef to cook this food yourself. Just arm yourself with a good vegan cookbook and you can whip up any of your favorites, whenever you want. Another great benefit of developing some vegan culinary skills is that you can show off your delicious vegan food to your non-vegan friends and make them realize that the food you eat is not only healthier than what they may be consuming as meat eaters or vegetarians, but also more flavorful and satisfying in many cases. For instance, there’s nothing like watching a non-vegan eating a good vegan cupcake that blows away their taste buds and their preconceived notions of vegan food!
5. Interact with like-minded vegans: When you’re a minority you are inevitably going to be at the receiving end of some ridiculous stereotypes. This can get disheartening; especially when it comes from people that are close to you or in many cases, related to you! That’s why its very important to engage with other like-minded vegans. We currently may be few and far between, but we do exist! You may not live in a neighborhood, town or city that has many (or any) vegans, but that should not stop you from meeting other vegans. We’re in the 21st century and a whole world of happy vegans is just a click away. They are all just like you – they love to rant about everything and share war stories, recipes and tips on all things vegan. No matter what the non-vegan world throws at you, it’s always reassuring to know that you have people in your life that share your philosophical beliefs and will have your back and relate to anything you may have to deal with.
In summary, remember that veganism is easy if you have your heart in the right place and you learn to tackle what people throw at you with class. Don’t make the non-vegan world wonder why you choose a lifestyle that differs so greatly from theirs; make them wonder whether your lifestyle has something to do with why you’re always so happy.
Put on your happy face, Vegan World!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Inter Faith Get Together 22 November 2011 6.45pm

Inter Faith Get Together 22 November 2011 6.45pm
Reflections on Food and Health in a dying world
Come to join us in a Tasty Vegetarian Meal. Child must be accompanied. All welcomevenue All Saints Church Halls, New Road, Hackbridge. CR4 4JN
expected MENU Lentil Soup and Spelt Bread
Mains Chickpea and potato masala, Butternut squash Korma, Rice and Quinoa Samosa. Apple crumble and Vanilla sauce. soft drinks No alcohol in the Venue please.
All faiths welcome to share their literature freely thanks Paul 07900990292
The time is 22 November 2011 6.45pm
Vegetarian Spices
Hackbridge, Greater London, UK
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
BUAV NO to animal cruelty
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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Spare a thought for the animals VEGAN OUTREACH ARTICLE
A New World, Piece by Piece
—By Matt Ball & Jack Norris
Vegan Outreach exists to reduce, as much as possible, the amount of suffering in
the world. Veganism, rights, and liberation are not goals in and of themselves –
they are merely tools to reduce suffering.
Given our desire to reduce suffering, of course we want a vegan world. Yet while
a compassionate, vegan society is the ideal, our mission to reduce suffering
must be more than hoping for a perfect world at some point in the future. If we
truly take suffering seriously, we must work for a better world now. Hundreds of
billions of animals will be raised and slaughtered for food before we can ever
possibly achieve widespread veganism. We must not ignore the suffering of those
animals who will certainly exist and endure agony.
From decades of outreach to millions of people, we have found that very few
respond to abstract, intellectual (e.g., animals have natural rights) or
absolutist (e.g., vegan-only) positions. People do respond, though, when shown
the cruelty inherent in modern agribusiness, which is why Vegan Outreach focuses
on these abuses.
It is reasonable to wonder whether focusing on cruelty supports the sale of less
inhumane meat by implying that it is okay to eat non-factory-farmed animals. Our
experience has been that focusing on how animals are raised and killed is the
best way to maximize both the number of people who oppose factory farms as well
as those who eventually oppose killing animals altogether. Exposing the manifest
yet hidden cruelty of modern agribusiness is the best way to get the most people
to open their hearts and minds to the animals' plight.
As we work to expose the hidden realities of factory farms, some people will
stop eating animals. But others will still be unwilling to go veg. There is no
way around this. The meat, egg, and dairy industries recognize this, too, and
play to consumers' feelings with labels like "humane" and "animal-care
certified." This will happen whether we like it or not; vegans don't own words
like "humane." As much as we might wish otherwise, we can't keep agribusiness
from using any word for its own purposes.
Because some meat eaters will inevitably react to our education efforts by
seeking out animals raised in conditions less horrible than on standard factory
farms, those of us in a position to do so should take any opportunity to make
sure industry labels are meaningful. Then, discomforted consumers not yet
willing to go veg will be able to take real steps to reduce suffering. Changing
one's diet in such a way because of a concern for suffering often represents
only the first step in an ethical evolution. Remember, few members of Vegan
Outreach went vegan overnight!
It is, of course, frustrating when people offer "humane"-labeled meat as their
excuse not to go veg. We must remember, though, that most people come up with
some excuse to continue eating animals, regardless of what we do. We can't
ignore the suffering of billions of farmed animals just to deny people one
possible excuse among many. Our concern for reducing suffering must extend
beyond promoting only veganism. If we take suffering seriously, we must support
efforts to abolish cages, crates, forced molting through starvation, electrical
incapacitation at slaughter, etc. We can't wish for more cruelty in the hope
that our case for veganism is "stronger."
Instead of wishing for a different world, we must honestly evaluate the world as
it currently is, and then do our very best to reduce as much suffering as
possible. We must reach and influence the people who might be willing to go
vegan; reach and influence people who might be willing to go vegetarian; reach
and influence the people who won't (now) go veg, but who might stop buying meat
from factory farms – and help support all of these people as they continue to
evolve as consumers.
Outreach efforts to all of these people are necessary if we are to help a large
and diverse society evolve to a new ethical norm. This is why Vegan Outreach
produces a range of literature to make everyone and anyone, in any situation,
the most effective advocate for animals possible. While we are each able do this
outreach in our areas, we support – and certainly don't waste our limited time
opposing – the efforts of large organizations to bring about the abolition of
the worst abuses on factory farms. Each step brings the animals' interests to
light, making people consider the otherwise hidden reality behind the meat they
eat. There is no other way to go from a carnivorous society, where farmed
animals have virtually no protection, to a vegan society where they have
near-total protection.
For every cage emptied and every person convinced to change their diet, we
realize there is more work to be done to reduce suffering. The industry also
recognizes that all these efforts are progress towards our ultimate goal;
agribusiness journal Feedstuffs editorialized (April 2, 2007):
Very recent developments would suggest that producers are now losing. If
producers are losing, others are also losing – everyone who has a stake in
dairy, meat and poultry production.… [I]t's not about animal welfare. It's not
about cages and stalls.… It's about raising animals for food, and the activists'
agenda is to end the practice. It will take decades, but they are the ones who
are winning – piece by piece by piece.
—By Matt Ball & Jack Norris
Vegan Outreach exists to reduce, as much as possible, the amount of suffering in
the world. Veganism, rights, and liberation are not goals in and of themselves –
they are merely tools to reduce suffering.
Given our desire to reduce suffering, of course we want a vegan world. Yet while
a compassionate, vegan society is the ideal, our mission to reduce suffering
must be more than hoping for a perfect world at some point in the future. If we
truly take suffering seriously, we must work for a better world now. Hundreds of
billions of animals will be raised and slaughtered for food before we can ever
possibly achieve widespread veganism. We must not ignore the suffering of those
animals who will certainly exist and endure agony.
From decades of outreach to millions of people, we have found that very few
respond to abstract, intellectual (e.g., animals have natural rights) or
absolutist (e.g., vegan-only) positions. People do respond, though, when shown
the cruelty inherent in modern agribusiness, which is why Vegan Outreach focuses
on these abuses.
It is reasonable to wonder whether focusing on cruelty supports the sale of less
inhumane meat by implying that it is okay to eat non-factory-farmed animals. Our
experience has been that focusing on how animals are raised and killed is the
best way to maximize both the number of people who oppose factory farms as well
as those who eventually oppose killing animals altogether. Exposing the manifest
yet hidden cruelty of modern agribusiness is the best way to get the most people
to open their hearts and minds to the animals' plight.
As we work to expose the hidden realities of factory farms, some people will
stop eating animals. But others will still be unwilling to go veg. There is no
way around this. The meat, egg, and dairy industries recognize this, too, and
play to consumers' feelings with labels like "humane" and "animal-care
certified." This will happen whether we like it or not; vegans don't own words
like "humane." As much as we might wish otherwise, we can't keep agribusiness
from using any word for its own purposes.
Because some meat eaters will inevitably react to our education efforts by
seeking out animals raised in conditions less horrible than on standard factory
farms, those of us in a position to do so should take any opportunity to make
sure industry labels are meaningful. Then, discomforted consumers not yet
willing to go veg will be able to take real steps to reduce suffering. Changing
one's diet in such a way because of a concern for suffering often represents
only the first step in an ethical evolution. Remember, few members of Vegan
Outreach went vegan overnight!
It is, of course, frustrating when people offer "humane"-labeled meat as their
excuse not to go veg. We must remember, though, that most people come up with
some excuse to continue eating animals, regardless of what we do. We can't
ignore the suffering of billions of farmed animals just to deny people one
possible excuse among many. Our concern for reducing suffering must extend
beyond promoting only veganism. If we take suffering seriously, we must support
efforts to abolish cages, crates, forced molting through starvation, electrical
incapacitation at slaughter, etc. We can't wish for more cruelty in the hope
that our case for veganism is "stronger."
Instead of wishing for a different world, we must honestly evaluate the world as
it currently is, and then do our very best to reduce as much suffering as
possible. We must reach and influence the people who might be willing to go
vegan; reach and influence people who might be willing to go vegetarian; reach
and influence the people who won't (now) go veg, but who might stop buying meat
from factory farms – and help support all of these people as they continue to
evolve as consumers.
Outreach efforts to all of these people are necessary if we are to help a large
and diverse society evolve to a new ethical norm. This is why Vegan Outreach
produces a range of literature to make everyone and anyone, in any situation,
the most effective advocate for animals possible. While we are each able do this
outreach in our areas, we support – and certainly don't waste our limited time
opposing – the efforts of large organizations to bring about the abolition of
the worst abuses on factory farms. Each step brings the animals' interests to
light, making people consider the otherwise hidden reality behind the meat they
eat. There is no other way to go from a carnivorous society, where farmed
animals have virtually no protection, to a vegan society where they have
near-total protection.
For every cage emptied and every person convinced to change their diet, we
realize there is more work to be done to reduce suffering. The industry also
recognizes that all these efforts are progress towards our ultimate goal;
agribusiness journal Feedstuffs editorialized (April 2, 2007):
Very recent developments would suggest that producers are now losing. If
producers are losing, others are also losing – everyone who has a stake in
dairy, meat and poultry production.… [I]t's not about animal welfare. It's not
about cages and stalls.… It's about raising animals for food, and the activists'
agenda is to end the practice. It will take decades, but they are the ones who
are winning – piece by piece by piece.
2eden : Message: "Riverside Vegetaria" Kingston upon Thames. Recommended Restaurant
2eden : Message: "Riverside Vegetaria" Kingston upon Thames. Recommended Restaurant
The family went up to Kingston upon Thames for a first time trip to "Riverside
Vegetaria" a vegetarian restaurant as the name suggests is on the river a
delightful setting at any time of the year, watch the people and boats go by. In
warmer weather it would be nice to eat on the pathside over looking the water,
unfortunately, when we sat down to eat a child's coat was wind blown into the
water so today was a day to enjoy the internal decorations of this informal
diner, comfortable atmosphere and pleasant "godly" staff.
The whole menu is either Vegan or Vegetarian and is very pleasing to the
eye,they have the skills of presentation. We shared the Chef's mixed platter
with an extra portion of a wonderful home made Garlic bread quite filling on its
own,and enough for four. Our main orders were House Lasagne with a side salad,2x
Organic red lentil & Avocado kedgeree and organic courgette mushroom & lentil
bake. The flavours were expressive and encouraging with a wise use of spices as
only an Asian chef knows how never so hot but adding diversity and colour, salad
with everything and portions are large enough to avoid desert. we had a round of
soft drinks and the whole meal came to £62.00 for four (with out deserts.) We
had a good time and will go back again sometime God willing.
Have a good meal... Paul
Mothers Day 3rd April 2011 and our lunch at Riverside Vegetaria.
The family went up to Kingston upon Thames for a first time trip to "Riverside
Vegetaria" a vegetarian restaurant as the name suggests is on the river a
delightful setting at any time of the year, watch the people and boats go by. In
warmer weather it would be nice to eat on the pathside over looking the water,
unfortunately, when we sat down to eat a child's coat was wind blown into the
water so today was a day to enjoy the internal decorations of this informal
diner, comfortable atmosphere and pleasant "godly" staff.
The whole menu is either Vegan or Vegetarian and is very pleasing to the
eye,they have the skills of presentation. We shared the Chef's mixed platter
with an extra portion of a wonderful home made Garlic bread quite filling on its
own,and enough for four. Our main orders were House Lasagne with a side salad,2x
Organic red lentil & Avocado kedgeree and organic courgette mushroom & lentil
bake. The flavours were expressive and encouraging with a wise use of spices as
only an Asian chef knows how never so hot but adding diversity and colour, salad
with everything and portions are large enough to avoid desert. we had a round of
soft drinks and the whole meal came to £62.00 for four (with out deserts.) We
had a good time and will go back again sometime God willing.
NB> Vegetarian
Society members can get a discount on their meals as well at this veg soc awards
winner 2002. The restaurant is at 64 High street Kingston,Surrey 0208 546
7992/0609. Check out the website WWW.rsveg.plus.com.
Society members can get a discount on their meals as well at this veg soc awards
winner 2002. The restaurant is at 64 High street Kingston,Surrey 0208 546
7992/0609. Check out the website WWW.rsveg.plus.com.
Have a good meal... Paul
2EDEN The Vegetarian at Home
"2EDEN" I really want to spread the joy of healthy food that tastes good and can help you live longer. Food as God intended.
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